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You can deal with Fibroids naturally – no surgeries!

Posted by | July 8, 2011 .


The weekend is here. This past week was a good week for me. I feel like I am reaching a goal I set some time ago. Thanks to the internet, along with communicating any way I can about this topic, I am reaching more and more women who want to try an natural alternative for a various list of female issues, such as:

–    Fibroid tumors, and Cysts
–    Endometriosis
–    PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome)
–    Pre-menopausal issues
–    Depression
–    Fibromylagia

and other issues many women face. One of the women I have been talking with made my day when she emailed me saying she is only 5 days into her herbal program and she feels good already. Balancing her hormones was one of her goals and she is receiving the benefits already from her natural program. This news made my day!

For some time now as I speak to women the topic of fibroid tumors seems to come up. Women have contacted me saying they had surgery now their fibroids have returned. Others describe how they have several fibroid tumors – different sizes and shapes forming in their uterus. Some have cysts on the ovaries along with it. Why is this becoming a more common issue for many women? Many are over age 30. I even talk to some who aren’t 30 yet. It has to do with a number of things that women are exposed to causing estrogen overload. We’re exposed to this through our diet, including hormone-injected meat, canned goods, plastics and more.

Stress is another problem that seems to be linked to fibroid issues. Many women have thyroid issues and the thyroid is important for hormone function in the body.

My goal is to continue to educate and share the natural herbal program I have to help women, so they can live healthy lives and go on to become mothers or do whatever they want to do.

If you want to learn about this program (that I will personalize for each client) contact me here on my website. It includes a good detox program, natural ways to balance your hormones and herbs that shrink and break up fibroids. If you know someone who can use this knowledge SHARE!!!

Have a great weekend,
Your herbalist,

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2 Comments so far
  1. Jacquelyn Ann Williams July 9, 2011 11:34 +00:0007

    Hello Maguerite

    This is Jackie in Franklin Tn. Have not been on the radio show for awhile. I work 2nd shift. I have fibroids and have not have them surgically remove. I am interested in your program.

  2. Marguerite July 9, 2011 11:34 +00:0007

    Hi Jackie! I will be contacting you. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

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