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UPDATE at for 2012

Posted by | January 9, 2012 .

Getting fit in 2012

So it is a new calendar year and everyone is setting goals and resolutions. I’ve been working on my goals and resolutions for months. With completing school for Massage Therapy I am now looking at more training, gaining experience and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some other Massage Therapists who have shared great advice and business tips with me. I am continuing to learn the benefits of networking online and offline. So you will continue to see me on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter (my favorite hang outs), I also plan to attend some Meet-up groups this year. My latest Twitter handle I have to stay in contact with clients is @massagesbymarge. I am ready with my massage table and chair. If you want to reach me I check my Facebook and Twitter regularly along with my office number – 708-575-3968. I am making myself available as a mobile wellness spa with my massage therapy and my ZYTO Compass scan. Many people are loving their scan reports to help them get on their healthy programs for the new year.

I will be starting my 90 day colon cleanse soon, as I gather all the products needed. One of my goals is to get fit and drop the extra pounds. I have joined Curves in Blue Island, Illinois and I love the atmosphere. It is so warm and cozy and everyone is very friendly. The Tuesday evening Zumba classes are LIVE with E’a my Zumba instructor. Checkout her youtube channel and you will see what I mean. Zumba is so much fun and it’s sexy. You forget you are working out and you just get into the music and have a good time.

Continue to stop by my blog for health updates. If you are starting your colon cleansing and fitness programs please share your results with me. I know many others are getting healthy and fit with me.

Check my blog weekly for updated Holistic Health and Spa Treatment articles. Here’s my latest Spa Treatment articles from
A new popular procedure that freezes the fat off

Spa Treatments gone wrong from 2011

Celebrity anti-aging, health and beauty tips from 2011


Make it a GREAT WEEK!!!

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