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True story – healing cream works! On special this week

Posted by | November 8, 2010 .

8723After experiencing a family emergency a few years back I can truly say that AC Healing cream really works. We were preparing for a family vacation and my husband just made himself a big cup of hot, hot tea. Before I even knew what happened he had knocked the tea over in his lap. I have never seen my husband move so quickly. He snatched his sweat pants off so fast, but he ended up with a bad burn on his thigh. It looked terrible and I just knew he would have a ugly mark left from that burn. This is when we learned about AC Healing cream. My friend and herbalist recommended to us. He put it on the burn once it had healed to the point he could apply cream. His burn healed so quickly we couldn’t believe it and today he has no mark from it at all.

Also good for:
–    rashes
–    sunburn
–    damaged, dry skin
Has soothing herbal properties of arnica and calendula.

We highly recommend this cream and suggest it be part of the household first aid kit.

AC Healing cream

$2 OFF – $12.95
Buy 4 get 1 FREE – $59.80

Go to the link below to order under WEEKLY SPECIALS

Check ALL the specials for this week of November 7, 2010


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