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Man reduced his keloid with Black Seed oil!

Posted by | May 9, 2019 .

I so excited to be able to offer a high quality Black Seed oil to my clients! I have really learned a lot and experienced many the great benefits of Black Seed Oil. This is one of Godā€™s forgotten foods that has over 100 benefits. The top benefits Iā€™ve learn about and even heard people […]

CBD Explosion – Event coming to Chicago this week!!!

Posted by | February 18, 2019 .

You are invited by Marguerite!!! The Heavy Hitters in the Cannabis industry will be at Oaklawn Hilton, Oaklawn, Illinois, this Thursday. You are invited by me, Marguerite Wright. I have been learning so much about the industry in the past few months and I am now part of an amazing company. Do you think you […]

My Health tour starts this weekend in Detroit!

Posted by | January 16, 2019 .

Iā€™m looking forward to visiting my hometown of Detroit this weekend. Iā€™m coming with a message to share ā€œTake back your health.ā€ I will be hosting a Health Seminar covering the benefits of Cannabis oil and how people have been getting amazing results from this plant God created for the healing of our bodies! Cannabis […]

So much Excitement!!! Just back from L.A.!!! New products!!! Ask me about CBD oil!!!

Posted by | November 8, 2018 .

  (The essential oils and natural supplements I mention in this blog is for educational purposes only. I recommend you review with your health-care practitioner. I do not prescribe or diagnose anything.)   The last couple of weeks have been so exciting for me and my family that I can hardly put into words all […]

Facts you need to know about vaccines!

Posted by | October 17, 2016 .

  For your knowledge. We do have the choice to vaccinate or not. It is Flu vaccine season and everywhere you turn you see signs and ads – GET YOUR FLU SHOT!!! Rather you choice to get the vaccine or not, do your research and also take other steps to build your immune system strong. […]

Vaccines and Immune System – Educate before you vaccinate

Posted by | July 15, 2016 .

I’ve followed Steven Horne for years and appreciate all the knowledge, research and information this master Herbalist and Health Practitioner has shared. Watch this recorded webinar, especially YOUNG PARENTS… See all my past posts on vaccines, including information on vaccine waivers and the ingredients in vaccines HERE

BRAIN HEALTH – the health program and lifestyle we need to have

Posted by | November 10, 2015 .

People have been asking me recently – ā€œwhat are the best supplements for brain health?ā€ Present day lifestyle is very hectic. We are on our cell phones frequently and all types of devices. We are using WiFi for our computers, phones, games and more. All this exposes us to electromagnetic pollution. This is not the […]

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