On the Sabbath day I get to sit back, reflect on my week and praise God for all His blessings. Even though I tend to worry sometimes, God always makes a way. I just work hard to always put God first and try to be the servant God wants me to be. I thank God for His Word, it is comforting, it refreshes me for the next week.
I always pray for all of God’s servants as we all face many challenges, some are facing health issues, some financial issues. For the brothers and sisters who have love ones who are ill, locked up in prison or just facing other spiritual battles may the God of Israel be with them all.
I pray for all my clients who come to me for massage therapy, health scans and seeking remedies to various health issues. God is the healer of all.
On Day 10 of the #31WriteNow blog challenge I pray my post uplifts someone and helps with the information I’ve shared so far.
Thank God for all the brothers who constantly preach God’s Word each Sabbath day. See links to log in and hear Sabbath day lessons:
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