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Interview with expert on vaccines explaining THE REAL DEAL!

Posted by | January 6, 2010 .

I am listening to an interview now that I just HAD to pass on. The topic of vaccines and if they are truly needed can be a controversial topic but when you heard an interview like this one I don’t know why you would have any other questions on if vaccines are a hoax or […]

Specials still going on til end of year!

Posted by | December 28, 2009 .

Still time to take advantage of the amazing specials running now with Nature Sunshine and get top quality herbal supplements at a discount price. All members can order the special prices on the website. Not a member yet? Place a $40 order then sign up for the FREE Membership and take advantage of the special […]

Ask the herbalist

Posted by | December 15, 2009 .

Photo by Jenny Erickson What is your health question? I am answering people’s health questions on my column. As the Chicago Holistic Examiner I write articles on the latest information in health, answer questions and share facts and tips. Make sure to go to the link and subscribe to receive updates to my latest […]

Feeling tired and drained? Take some Spirulina

Posted by | December 14, 2009 .

One of Nature Sunshine’s products on special this week is Spirulina If you are feeling tired or drained Spirulina can make a big difference fast. Unlike caffeine, it provides the body with nutrients and doesn’t drain your adrenals. – Rich in antioxidants. – Boosts energy and cellular health. – High in B-12 and easy-to-absorb iron. […]

Chocolate bars on special! They are good for you, sweeten with Xylitol.

Posted by | December 7, 2009 .

Checkout this week’s specials which include: Thyroid Support $2 OFF – $15.35 Buy 4 Get 1 FREE – $69.40 BUY NOW Thyroid Support is a blend of nutritional and herbal supplements specially designed to nourish the thyroid gland and to support the actions of the thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones regulate many body functions, including […]

Do you have adrenal fatigue?

Posted by | November 30, 2009 .

The adrenals are one of the endocrine glands. They sit on top of the kidneys and produce a wide variety of hormones that regulate energy, fluid balance and other important body processes. They also help the body copy with or adapt to stress. Long-tem excessive use of sugar and caffeine and loss of sleep can […]

Weekly Specials and Upcoming events

Posted by | November 16, 2009 .

Greetings, It is mid-November already and we have some great health and wellness events coming up online. This week Nature Sunshine has a special discount on a product that helps to fight viruses: VS-C is on sale, $2 off This immune-supporting formula is a combination that Chinese herbalists would describe as a “metal-enhancing” formula. These […]

This week’s specials and upcoming events

Posted by | November 9, 2009 .

Did you catch Mom’s Healthy Radio show on Blogtalk? We have a contest running now that I am sure you would like to check it out. Spoken word artist and singer Adina Nyree was my special guest on my last blogtalk show and she was great. Make sure you listen to the recorded podcast and […]

Posted by | October 30, 2009 .

Another video to watch educating us why we should NOT get the flu shot, by Dr. Mercola. WATCH HERE

Don’t miss discounts during October

Posted by | October 29, 2009 .

The great promo packets on my Nature Sunshine site are available until the end of October. Take advantage of these great deals with this top quality company that has been around for over 35 years. I am writer for now and LOVING IT! I am the Chicago Holistic Health Examiner. So excited to have […]

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