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Doctor says “NO” to flu vaccine

Posted by | October 23, 2009 .

Dr. Eisenstein discusses why he says NO to the flu vaccine on WGNTV recently. This doctor shares valuable information. Make sure you have Vitamin D stocked in your home for flu season: Have a great weekend!

Important Health Topics you want to know…

Posted by | October 20, 2009 .

Some hot topics that I have seen online through twitter, facebook and my emails are serious and I just had to share with all my readers. Young woman disabled from routine flu shot! It is a warning she wants everyone to hear: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated I was happy […]

Chiropractic care is important – a pleasant experience

Posted by | October 1, 2009 .

For my birthday I treated myself to a back exam at Health on Earth Chiropractic office, with and I am glad I did. I have been to a chiropractor in the past I know the benefits of getting adjustments. Dr. Vaught’s office has a very friendly environment. I knew it would be that way even […]

Important Recall information plus specials…

Posted by | September 28, 2009 .

Just wanted to share this information I received on Children’s and Infant’s Tylenol. There has been a recall. Share this information with all the parents you know. Nature Sunshine Products has a new line of herbal supplements for children and they are on special this week. Preventative health is the best measure to avoid […]

Vaccine update

Posted by | August 18, 2009 .

The topic on the choice to get vaccinations or not has been a very controversial topic but the information I read causes me to be very concern on the thought of allowing my family to get vaccinations. I don’t care if it is for the Swine Flu or any other disease. People need to really […]

Coping with Your Teenager’s Mood Swings

Posted by | May 26, 2009 .

By Aurelia Williams, author of Understanding Your Teen If you are the parent of a teenager, you are familiar with mood swings. One minute, your teen is happy and loving, the next they are sullen or angry. These mood swings can happen fast and can seem to come out of nowhere and it’s one of […]

Websites and more on about vaccinations

Posted by | March 26, 2009 .

Moms and Dads come to me for information on vaccinations when making the choice to get their children immunized or not. We as the parents do have a choice and I am glad to provide any information that will help parents in making their decision. My advice is to do the research for yourself, breast […]

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