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Support a cause for Dementia awareness + have a chemical-free home

Posted by | December 7, 2010 .

My friend Monica when she was a baby with her grandma.

Picture of my friend Monica as a baby, sitting with her grandmother, Mazie

I have a friend and sorority sister who is voicing the struggles she and many have caring for the elderly, especially those dealing with Alzheimer and Dementia. She shares her personal story on her facebook as she cares for her grandmother, Mazie Levy who is age 90 with Dementia. Many of us can relate to her and have experienced similar situations.

She is fundraising to help keep her granny at home and care for her while she requires 24-hour care, plus help others in the same situation.

If you would like to sure support this fundraiser you can go to this link WWW.BUDURL.COM/HELP4GRAMMYMAZIE and make a donation.

With Nature Sunshineā€™s Specials of the week

you can still purchase the the NEW Natures Fresh Home Pack with 10%Ā  off.

The Home Pack includes one each of these products:

1561-5 Laundry Soap
1563-2 Fabric Brightener
1566-6 Dish Soap
1567-7 Dishwasher Gel
1565-4 Surface Cleaner
1564-8 Dryer Sheets
1549-7 Enzyme Spray
Plus 2Ā packets of 1568-3 Silver Shield Surface Wipes

Research shows toxins in our house hold products is linked to illnesses. This new line of products green friendly products safe to the environment and our bodies.
Olive leaf Extract & Vitamin C is also on special this week.



Read one of my pass articles from EXAMINER.COM I wrote about Alzheimer.

Preventive health measures for people with parents who have or had Alzheimer’s disease

Hope you are enjoying your week!

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1 Comment so far
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marguerite, Monica Levy-Rowland. Monica Levy-Rowland said: Making the news… Please read this article and help out if you find it in your heart. We need your help! Happy Holiā€¦ […]

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