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Supplements for people dealing with diabetes

Posted by | March 17, 2010 .
Thai Go is a great power juice to help balance blood sugar level.

Thai Go is a great power juice to help balance blood sugar level.

As the Chicago Holistic Examiner for I try to share information to help people live healthier lifestyles and rid or avoid diseases and disorders.
This week I posted an article with a list of suggested supplements to help people with Diabetes. This is a list Dr. Becker of the TV show ā€œYour Healthā€ shared recently. He is a doctor that truly believes in natural supplements to improve your health and help you to avoid prescription drugs or at least only have to take a minimum amount.

Read this article and share with someone you know who has diabetes.

(Click on title)

Supplements and lifestyle habits to help with Diabetes

Enjoy other articles in this column Chicago Holistic Examiner including:

Living healthy during tight economic times

11 year old girl diagnosed her own diabetes

Angie Stone: The face of diabetes

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