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Suggestions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from your Massage Therapist

Posted by | May 12, 2017 .

I’ve been learning of more and more of my clients dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. According to a study, it was found that Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common nerve compression disorder of the upper extremity. With many people sitting at their computers for long hours, along with various other professions, the wrists get used frequently and it can cause tightness and pain in the carpal area. I normally focus on the carpal tunnel area when my clients feel pain.


The essential oils I found to help open up the carpal area include:

  • Peppermint oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Eucalyptus oil


Along with professional massage, continue self-massage at home, plus other minerals and natural herbal products can help. Give it a month or more to feel the results:


  • WHOLE LEAF ALOE VERA – drink 3 oz. 2x daily, organic sodium is needed.
  • HYDRANGEA – pushes out inorganic calcium
  • B-6 (100mg 3x/day) plus MAGNESIUM, 1200 mg
  • RELIEF FORMULA helps relieve minor aches and pains


Also, watch your diet, eliminate junk food, red meat and acid foods. Check your pH and eat right for your blood type. (I have Blood type charts).


Shop at my online Herb shop:


Have a Fantastic weekend!!!

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