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Preventive steps for Swine Flu plus facts you need to know

Posted by | April 30, 2009 .

First, I would like to thank Dr. Sheri Tenpenny for all she does to help people become more aware. I attended a very revealing and informative webinar Thursday night, April 29th presented by Dr. Tenpenny. After seeing tons of headlines on the Swine Flu I could not miss the webinar that Dr. Tenpenny set up just days after this all hit the news. The discussion of many deaths connected with the swine flu and its spread across the map has many people beginning to panic. Dr. Tenpenny’s webinar helped me to understand what it actually means when they say the situation in going from Level 4 to Level 5. The difference phases help the government to be able to try to set up enforced mass vaccination. The concern with vaccines is that there is no proof that these vaccinations will protect the people from the Swine flu. The webinar pointed out that studies have revealed that present flu vaccinations promoted especially for the elderly and young children works no better than a sugar pill. Do your research on vaccinations and if they really work. Dr. Tenpenny has lots of information on her site. She is one of my top friends on my myspace page – http:/
She points outs things about vaccinations that make you say “hmmmmmm:”

* Vaccines are not responsible for the eradication of diseases, such as polio and smallpox.
* Vaccines have not been “proven” to be safe.
* When a vaccine is called “effective”, it is not the same thing as being “protective.”
* There are no true double-blind, placebo-controlled studies used in vaccine research. The new, investigational vaccine is compared against a vaccine with a “known side effect profile.” Therefore, “control group” is given a “placebo” that is another vaccine, not saline, sterile water, or no vaccine at all.
* Vaccines are not “relatively harmless”…as thousands have been injured and have died, as a result of vaccination.
She has a Coalition against mandatory vaccination, read more on her site:

Simple steps can protect you and your family against the swine flu:
1.    Wash your hands frequently.
2.    Make sure your children get their proper rest, 10 – 12 hours of sleep is needed for young children 12 and under.
3.    Get your children off the hand held games and video games for a while and out in the sun for fun, activities and vitamin D.
4.    Make sure they take their vitamins and minerals and stay on a healthy diet. Avoid white sugar.
5.    Drink plenty of pure water.
6.    Take vitamin D supplements.

Mother Knows Best’s suggestions:

Our patented formula of Colloidal Silver.

  • Vitamin D
  • Probiotics

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