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New Fitness writer shares fitness tips for the Fall

Posted by | October 19, 2012 .

I am excited to introduce a new Fitness writer who will be a guess blogger on Mother Knows Best from time to time. His advice will help us get fit and healthy through exercise. Let’s welcome Jim Rollince of GymSource. I believe in eating healthy and taking your supplements, but exercise is an important part of health and weight loss. I am so excited of my weight loss and decrease in inches from going to my regular Zumba classes.


Autumn is the Perfect Time to Exercise

The fresh crisp, autumn air is perfect for exercise. As you exercise, breathing the fresh air will improve your health and alleviate some of the indoor allergies. Women should get out and get active as much as possible to improve their health.

Do Your Strength Training Outside

Upper Back: Swiss Ball L Raise

To improve upper back tone, posture and shoulder tone try the upper back Swiss Ball L Raise. Start the exercise with the stability ball beneath the abdomen. Your face should be staring at the ground, and your back should be flat.

Your arms should lie straight down with palms facing the stability ball. Then, lift the arms to either side of the body and form a 90-degree angle. During the motion, squeeze the shoulder blades together. Next, keep the arms at the same level and rotate the forearms upward until palms face the ground. Pause and then, reverse the movement. Try to perform the exercise for 12 repetitions. If you are not tired after 12 repetitions, increase the arm’s resistance by adding dumbbells.

Quadriceps: Offset Dumbbell Lunge

To improve your balance and the demand placed on the core, try the offset dumbbell lunge. Hold a dumbbell in the right hand next to the shoulder. While holding the dumbbell, step forward with the right leg and lower the body into a kneeling position. The right knee should be at a 90- degree angle, and the left knee should almost touch the floor. Then, push the body up into an upright position. Those motions comprise one repetition. Complete all the repetitions on one leg and then, complete the actions with the left leg while holding the weight in the left hand

Single-Leg Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift – Hamstrings

To improve flexibility, try working out your hamstrings, glutes and core. Start these exercises by holding the dumbbells in your hands with an overhand grip. The feet should be at shoulder width distance. The knees should be slightly bent. Raise one leg off the floor. Then, bend your hips until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Squeeze the glutes and thrust the hips forward. Then, lift the torso back to the original position.

Is the Weather Terrible? Stay Inside!

Do you have a home gym? If not, you may want to consider buying some home gym equipment and putting it in the spare room of your home. You can include ellipticals and treadmills in your home gym. Ellipticals will be gentler on the knees than treadmills, which are more high impact exercise. Both machines are beneficial for cardiovascular exercise and also for building bone density. Home gym equipment is an excellent investment on those cold, rainy winter days when you just cannot get motivated to exercise out of the home.

Exercise is Beneficial to Women

Since women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis, women must participate in weight-bearing exercises to decrease the risk of this disease. Thirty minutes of activity is recommended for women to remain in good health. The early you get started exercising in your life, the lower your risk for the disease. Preserve your health and exercise today.

Jim Rollince is a member of the creating writing department of Gym Source. He enjoys writing about Fitness, Nutrition, and many other related topics. Contact him at


What’s your favorite workout for the Fall season?

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