I was talking with my mentor recently. I was concerned because I know so many people personally who have experienced heart attacks, strokes and other serious issues. I asked what her suggestions were for people who have experienced recent heart attacks and had stints put in their arteries to help open up and help the blood flow to the heart. This knowledge is for myself, all my friends, clients and loved ones. We are on a mission to encourage people to follow PREVENTATIVE HEALTH MEASURES!!! My dear, dear brothers and sisters, let’s jump on it!!! I am on my colon cleanse now for over 3 weeks and I must say it feels so good to get so much waste, gas, hardened fecal matter, and parasites out of my system. My skin looks clearer and my tummy is going down!!! If you want to fight the aging process and stay on a healthy path start with a good herbal colon cleanse. I recommend the GRANDDADDY CLEANSE. Ask me for details. There are also plans for heart health and more. Get with me so you can follow a healthy plan!
I hope to hear less and less about Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Auto-immune disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer, Leukemia and all the serious, serious dis-ease and dis-orders people are battling with. PLEASE FOLLOW MY HEALTH BLOG AND SHARE!!!!
Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, etc. are all signs you need a cleanse to clean the blood. Clear the toxins from the body. I was diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was a young woman barely in my twenties. I had terrible dandruff and I found out it was Psoriasis. I was given a prescription shampoo and ointment that helped but as soon as I ran out I had to get a refill or the flaky scalp was back. Psoriasis also shows up on the cracks around your nose, sometimes flaky forehead, neck and even on your back and all over. The first time I did a 90 day colon cleanse the first thing I noticed was how nice my skin cleared up. It was smooth and acne free and NO DANDRUFF!!! Since my Psoriasis cleared up so nicely from cleansing I promote it with a passion since then. The benefits are endless, from clearer skin to clearing up many health issues.
Other things that help with Psoriasis and Eczema:
Charlie Murphy! When I think of Charlie Murphy I think of a bright, bright smile and I can’t believe that bright smile is gone. I pray more people learn of the holistic ways to fight Leukemia. One herb known to help fight Leukemia is UNA DE GATO, aka CAT’S CLAW is an herb that is most helpful in building the macrophages (white blood cells) that are destroyed during the process of Chemo & Radiation. This is important because this miraculous herbal combo* helps to alleviate the ‘Nausea, Vomiting, Aches, Pains, Hair Loss’, and more – that is often associated with Chemotherapy especially. This herb has many other benefits too….. Cat’s claw is an herb popular among the indigenous people of Peru, where it is used to ‘treat’ cancer, diabetes, ulcers, arthritis, and infections, as well as to assist in recovery from childbirth. It is also used as a contraceptive.
What Is Cat’s Claw Used for Today?
Cat’s claw is most often marketed as a treatment for viral diseases, such as herpes , shingles, AIDS, and feline leukemia virus. Also Osteo & Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cartilage damage, Bursitis, Bowel Obstructions, Stomach Ulcers, Crohn’s, Allergies, Diverticulitis, Many Viruses (Epstein Barr, Herpes, HIV/AIDS), Lyme Disease, Reye’s Syndrome, [Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth & Leaky Gut Syndrome – the root of many Auto-Immune and other disorders!]
We can begin to change our health for the better by living healthy lifestyles and using the herbs God gave us for the healing of our bodies. Contact me if you would like a personalized program.
Certified Herbalist,
Marguerite Wright
Call or text: 708-232-8970
Also checkout the links below from past blog post on topics people frequently contact me about:
Tips for starting your healthy program ASAP
Colon cleansing and dealing with Seasonal allergies
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Thank YOU I am so going to share this. It is so needed.