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I am the new Spa Treatments Examiner and more celebrations…

Posted by | March 9, 2011 .
If you enjoy a nice spa experience check my Examiner for the latest on spa events.

If you enjoy a nice spa experience check my Examiner for the latest on spa events.

This month I have lots to celebrate. I am now the Chicago Spa Treatments Examiner. I post the latest spa events going on around town, plus more information and tidbits on spa treatments. I have added this in addition to my Chicago Holistic Examiner column. It is a joy to share the knowledge in Health and Beauty, it adds to the celebration on the completion of training to become a Clinical Massage Therapist. I will be finishing up school next week. Now I will prepare to take the licensed exam and be able to add this service to my clients.

So stay tuned to my massage therapy services and subscribe to my Examiner columns:

Chicago Spa Treatments Examiner


Chicago Holistic Examiner

(Read about how toenail clippings can reveal if you risk having lung cancer and read my Chicago Spa Examiner to see the latest happenings in Chicago and beyond.)

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