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Get your Colon Cleanse at May prices – NEW Prices in June + allergy tips

Posted by | May 4, 2011 .

morning drink

People having been stopping me at church, calling me and emailing me telling me they need to order their colon cleanse. OK folks this is the month to do it. Prices increase in June at Nature Sunshine so take advantage and get this program we call “THE GRANDDADDY” of cleanses and “THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.” Years ago the late Dr. Beverly Nicholson of Chicago; a holistic doctor and successful business woman with Nature Sunshine, made this cleanse famous. She helped so many people turn their health around and she herself suffered with a host of illnesses until she turned over to a healthier lifestyle that included cleansing regularly. Medina J. Nance, another Master Herbalist in Chicago who airs a weekly TV show shares an amazing testimony on how this cleanse helped her rid her body of LUPUS. (Read the TESTIMONIALS on my website).

If you are suffering from an illness and seeking a natural way to rebuild your body a colon cleanse is a good place to start. It is a simple mixture of fiber and a natural clay called Bentanite and liquid Chlorophyll along with a natural laxative and liver cleanse that Nature Sunshine offers. The full recipe to mix your morning fiber drink comes with your order. You will drink this special drink mornings and again after dinner, along with your other herbs. You will be AMAZED at all the waste, toxins, gas and parasites that this cleanse flushes out of the system. This is why we call this a full body cleanse, cleansing the blood, colon and even at the cellular level. To get the full colon cleanse program contact me on my website, email me at: or call or text me at: 708-232-8970.

(Delivers through UPS in 2-3 business days)

Seasonal Allergies

It’s that time of the year where many are dealing with annoying allergies. Read these two testimonies I shared on my recent ezine from people who got good results from herbal supplements:

One herbalist’s testimony from a Nature Sunshine forum:

I had a client years ago who had asthma and horrible allergies. I met him when he was a NON-Believer in herbs and happened to be at one of my classes. I guess I was convincing, because he called me after the class and told he that he didn’t know that he believed the herbs would do anything – but he would like to try a couple things. I had spoken of Sinus Support, LBS II and Psyllium and that’s ALL he was willing to try. Well, he stuck with his “2” products. By the next spring, the doctor was amazed that the client needed a much weaker shot than ever before. The following spring – he didn’t need ANY shot at all. The following year, he went on a 15 mile hike with the boy scouts without being winded. (Remember he had pretty bad asthma) Needless to say – he became a believer and is STILL a client, many years later.
– Nature Sunshine herbalist

For my household we stock up on:
I also recommend The 90 Day Colon Cleanse (contact me for the full cleanse program and instructions)
Sinus Support
A good Multi-vitamin and minerals
Eat Right for your Blood Type
Remember to take as much ALJ as needed at first to clear the mucous like in this testimony:

While on vacation in Chicago, I had a very bad allergy attack and could not stop sneezing. The attack may have been caused by a combination of cat dander and pollen. I took 4 ALJ. I felt relief within 15 minutes. I continued to saturate my body with ALJ by taking 4 ALJ every 2 hours until bedtime. The next day I only needed 2 ALJ every 4 hours. By the 3rd day I only needed to take a few ALJ. I highly recommend this product to everyone who gets an allergy attack.
-Joan Kasich

Also, remember to find a good Massage Therapist for migraine headaches and sinus drainage. People love using the neti pots too.

neti images

Your Herbalist,

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1 Comment so far
  1. malik wright May 5, 2011 11:34 +00:0005

    excellent article

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