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Dr. Oz shares great herbal remedies

Posted by | November 11, 2011 .

I love when Dr. Oz educates us on the benefits of natural herbs – power food! Plants, flowers, roots have many medicinal benefits. Think about garlic, parsley and other herbs we come across everyday that have various affects such as a natural antibiotic, offers nutrition, cleanse and build the body.

Here are some examples:
BASIL: Medicinal properties: Antispasmodic, expectorant, mild sedative.

CHAMOMILE: Medicinal properties: Sedative, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.

DANDELION: Medicinal properties: Hepatic, diuretic, tonic, anti-rheumatic,

Many are concerned about using herbs and if they are really safe to use. We have to do the research for ourselves to really understand herbs. Most times you can take herbs with your medications. Certain times you don’t want to mix herbs and meds. Check with your herbalist to be safe.

Where can you purchase herbs that are safe to use? Look for companies that have a serious quality control department like Nature Sunshine Products. They manufacture all their products in-house with a very serious quality control department.

Dr. Oz talked about herbs that help with anxiety, a condition many face.
VALARIAN ROOT: Medicinal properties: Aromatic, stimulant, tonic, antispasmodic, nervine. This herb helps people who have a hard time sleeping. Some children have taken valarian to help calm them down if they are hyper.

LEMON BALM: Medicinal properties: Anti Depressant, Nervine, Sedative, Anti Bacterial, Tonic. This herb relaxed the mind and reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and even eases digestion. It also is an effective treatment of Herpes, sores, ulcers and boosts memory. Nature Sunshine’s Focus Attention has Lemon Balm in it, a great natural supplement for ADD and ADHD.

PASSION FLOWER: Anti-epileptic, antispasmodic, calmative, nervine, sedative. Good for panic attacks, helps tension headaches and widely used for a restful night’s sleep. It has been helpful with seizures, hysteria and helps with nerve pain as in neuralgia and shingles. Nature Sunshine’s herbal blend called Herbal Sleep has Passion Flower in it.

So many people have asked me about herbal remedies for anxiety and panic attacks that I created a special Squidoo lens on how to deal with anxiety naturally.

Go to this link and read the recommendations and testimonies:

One great natural tip Dr. Oz shared on his show recently is that you can use Witch Hazel to soothe your hemorrhoids naturally.

Photo of Dr. Oz by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

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