For my birthday I treated myself to a back exam at Health on Earth Chiropractic office, with and I am glad I did. I have been to a chiropractor in the past I know the benefits of getting adjustments. Dr. Vaught’s office has a very friendly environment. I knew it would be that way even before I got to the office in Crestwood, Illinois because I met some of the crew at the Minority Business Expo on September 18th and all the ladies there were so cool. The office had all the modern equipment to fully exam my spine and show what my chiropractic needs were. I was excited to learn that Dr. Vaught and I are actually from the same hometown of Detroit, Michigan. I felt he gave me special attention and I was not just rushed through his office. They then set me up with an appointment to come back and review my x-rays and find out where I stand.
I was pleased with the appointment to review my x-rays with Dr. Vaught. He stood before a small group of us and educated us on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and knowing about our bodies and not just putting it all in the doctor’s hands. He shared some rattling statistics about all the deaths each year due to medical errors (Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year, USA). This is one of the reasons he choose the profession to become a chiropractor. Dr. Vaught talked about people he knew who appeared healthy, worked out regularly and took their supplements but died at an early age because of unknown conditions. He also spoke about how we live in a country that is rich, with more money going to cancer research but there is still an increase cancer, along with high rates diabetes, hypertension and various other health issues. A very sad thing he pointed out was that more and more children have chronic illnesses such as a 12 year old with high blood pressure and another child with diabetes and parents today are out-living their children!
Listening to Dr. Vaught speak made we want call up all my friends and loved ones and encourage them to make an appointment with a good chiropractor like him after understanding that all of our organs are connected to the spine and if the spine is not what it should be it will affect the organs. Traditional doctors will either do surgery to remove those organs or medicate them. The chiropractor will adjust the spine so that the body will function properly and be able to heal itself.
The testimonies Dr. Vaught shared revealed how he was able to help patients get off a long list of medications. He helped children who were on Ritalin be able to live healthy, active lives without meds. He has helped people who had unsuccessful back surgeries and turn many health issues around. He mentioned how our children today are ending up on anti-depressants and situations like the killings in Northern Illinois and Virginia Tech and are a result of the side effects of anti-depressant medications. Chiropractic adjustments will help get the needed oxygen to the brain and help the body function properly, affecting your moods and avoiding depression and anger.
We see in our communities like in Chicago’s neighborhoods where our youth are walking around with built up anger and so many killings are happening. The latest being the beating of a 16 year old honor student, Derrion Albert. As a mother of 3 young sons my heart is so heavy and like many we are all saying what can be done to stop the killings.
Derrion Albert
I will be blogging about my experience in seeing my chiropractor to get adjustments. My prayers go out to the family and community who lost a young son much too early to a terrible, unnecessary killing.
Thanks Dr. Vaught for all you do.
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Derrion’s family needs help with funeral expenses for the funeral coming up Saturday, October 3rd, in Chicago.