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Dr. Tenpenny shares knowledge on the vaccine for pertussis.

Posted by | June 29, 2010 .
Photo by Simona Balint -

Photo by Simona Balint -

TV ads and discussions have been going around lately on the outbreak of pertussis in California. Dr. Tenpenny shares great information on natural health and the ā€œuntold truthsā€ of vaccines.

Her latest online newsletter reports ā€œPertussis is more worrisome in children less than 3 months of ageĀ due to the small size of windpipe. Unless you are SPECIFICALLY tested for pertussis with a nasal or throat swab, you may have had it and not known! A persistent coughĀ is frequently diagnosed and treated as “bronchitis”. Most persons who have had pertussis — children of all ages and adults–recover uneventfully with Vitamins D, C, A and lots of water with lemon.ā€

She stated that there were many posts on her facebook wall from parents sharing that theirĀ FULLY vaccinated children had full-blown pertussis.

Dr. Tenpenny created a table to show the ingredients in the pertussis vaccines (DTaP). IĀ  have attached the pdf file – (DOWNLOAD) DTaP components(3) for my blog readers to review, showing the ingredients of this vaccine. Please read and pass along to other parents.

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  1. […] Dr. Tenpenny shares knowledge on the vaccine for pertussis. […]

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