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Parents: Important article and blogtalk radio Monday night on Vaccine updates

Posted by | August 6, 2012 .

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I always try to share any news pertaining the vaccinations and our children and with preparation for back-to-school this information is right on time. First, stop by and read my latest article on about the truth and the Whooping Cough vaccineā€¦


Should parents be concerned about the whooping cough vaccine?

Advertising, local drug stores and all types of media are promoting that you should vaccine your child with the pertussis vaccine to protect against the whooping cough. The largest outbreak of whooping cough in over 50 years occurred in California, in 2010. However research reveals that 81 percent of the whooping cough cases in California in 2010 were of people under 18 who were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine. Eleven percent had at least one shot. Only eight percent of the whooping cough cases were of unvaccinated. But, reports and advertisements for the whooping cough vaccine do not mention this, so some parents are unaware.


Also, a blogtalk radio show you donā€™t want to miss with Dr. Eisnestein who always helps us to ā€œeducate before we vaccinateā€ ā€¦

No Shots No School Not True – Natural News Radio with Dr. Eisenstein and Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips.
Listen in this Monday, at 8:00 p.m., CST and 9:00 p.m. EST.

Pass this link on to other parentsā€¦

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