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Which Celebrity motivates you to workout the most?

Posted by | June 23, 2011 .


I posted the question on my facebook fan page asking which celebrity motivates you to workout most? Is it:

Jillian Michaels with her six pack abs
Serena Williams with her athletic, muscular body
Beyonce with her curvy, tone body
Kristie Alley with her huge weight loss from dancing her a$$ off

Post your choice here on my blog or on my fan page.

With obesity being a growing issue in America we have got to get motivated. Whoever motivates you the most focus on that celeb and use it for your motivation. I love Jillian Michaels because I have a few of her workout DVDs and they are good. All are 30 minute workouts that gives the “burn.”

Hot Topics:

We’ve had some good hot topics going on this week on my facebook fan page/tweet chat during Nature Sunshine’s Health Education Week. They are offering informative webinars all week on various health topics from some of the top health experts in the U.S.

A few of the health topics going on include:

PCOS – Deal with insulin resistance with a low glycemic diet and add cinnamon to balance blood-sugar level.

Fibroids, cysts and endometriosis – Natural programs include a good liver cleanse and yeast detox.

Thyroid health – You can supplement the thyroid.

**** Contact me for a personalized program for any disease or disorder****


NSP is running great specials this week during Health Education Week. Check the specials at:

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