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Thank you to all my supporters, customers and followers

Posted by | December 25, 2011 .

I am sitting here on my computer reading all the holiday greetings and season celebrations, but my family is just enjoying our time together. I haven’t observed the traditions of Christmas in over 20 years. God opened my eyes to knowledge and understanding in His Word when I was young and I have been growing […]

Testimonies on recent results from my Compass Scanner (Video)

Posted by | December 5, 2011 .

My latest testimonies UPDATE – I want to share with everyone the exciting results this ZYTO Compass scanner has been giving me as I work with my clients. It’s a great tool and I am trying to get the word out so other Health Practitioners can take advantage of this tool. I think of how […]

The amazing proprieties of Essential Oils

Posted by | October 31, 2011 .

As a Massage Therapist I love the study of Aromatherapy and how it affects people with it’s many healing proprieties. I am even more intrigued as I use my new tool; the ZYTO Compass scanner. When I scan my clients it will suggest the best Nature Sunshine products for the person according to biofeedback. Many […]

My results from using my new tool: The ZYTO Compass Scanner (VIDEO)

Posted by | September 30, 2011 .

  It has been about a month now since my ZYTO Compass scanner was delivered to my home office. This is a tool I’ve wanted for a while, but was motivated to go ahead and get it after I attended an event here in Chicago sponsored by Dr. Hugh Jenkins and representatives from ZYTO Compass. […]

Hot topics: Sickle Cell Awareness and more

Posted by | September 19, 2011 .

This past week I wrote an article for The Chicago Holistic Examiner sharing natural ways people can deal with Sickle Cell disease. This blood disorder is present in one in every 500 African-American births. I shared some testimonies in my article. When trying to live healthy we have to consider the foods we eat, drinking […]

Labor day and back-to-school brings new season in for healthy changes

Posted by | September 8, 2011 .

This is a busy time of year. It is a transition into the fall season. The Labor Day weekend has come and gone, the children are settling back in school. Some parents have sent their children off to college and we are staying prayerful for all the young college men and women who have started […]

SPECIALS: Fibroid Program & Compass scan

Posted by | August 25, 2011 .

$10 OFF your consultation and Compass reading when you mention this blog post With great demand for a natural alternative program to rid Fibroids I have put together some special packages for women to choose from if they want to start their holistic program now. This package includes a consultation and personalize program for women […]

Oak Lawn Hilton Health Fair brings out Cancer survivor testimony, Compass readings and more

Posted by | August 16, 2011 .

I attended The Brilliant Body Health Fair given by Dr. Hugh Jenkins and his wife, Author and Health Consultant Gwendolyn Jenkins. I was inspired, motivated and ready to continue my journey to educate and help people learn the power of natural herbal remedies and healthy living. This Health Fair was a little different from your […]

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