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What’s your favorite alternative health treatment?

Posted by | May 4, 2010 .

Alternative health therapy is becoming more popular. One recent article noted that Alternative medicine booming in popularity. People are learning that prescription drugs and surgeries aren’t the only option to deal with health issues. Relief from Arthritis can be achieved with the ancient Chinese treatment of Acupuncture. Some people find relief with massage, a form […]

Supplements for women and hormonal issues

Posted by | March 19, 2010 .

One topic that many women contact me about is hormonal imbalance, including hot flashes, PMS, PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis. Autoimmune disorders have even been linked to hormonal issues. I posted an article on recommended supplements for women dealing with hormone issues and I included a link to an interview I did with herbalist Medina J. […]

De-stress with yoga plus an energy smoothie recipe

Posted by | January 28, 2010 .

It is almost tax time. Election time is coming up in different areas. Families are struggling to keep their heads above water during these tough economical times. Parents have so many responsibilities. How can we handle it all without becoming totally stressed out? We have to put ourselves first. Take time out and do something […]

This week’s specials and upcoming events

Posted by | November 9, 2009 .

Did you catch Mom’s Healthy Radio show on Blogtalk? We have a contest running now that I am sure you would like to check it out. Spoken word artist and singer Adina Nyree was my special guest on my last blogtalk show and she was great. Make sure you listen to the recorded podcast and […]

Knowledge is power – How cell phone use affects us

Posted by | November 4, 2009 .

Some months back I heard a very revealing interview on the internet with a man who was sharing some alarming facts about cell phones and how they affect our health. He talked about the increase in brain tumors with cell phone use. I went on to read more about it and it all makes so […]

Important Health Topics you want to know…

Posted by | October 20, 2009 .

Some hot topics that I have seen online through twitter, facebook and my emails are serious and I just had to share with all my readers. Young woman disabled from routine flu shot! It is a warning she wants everyone to hear: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated I was happy […]

October Hot Topics

Posted by | October 2, 2009 .

My clients keep me on my toes. I always remind everyone that for every disease and disorder there is a natural alternative. God provided us with his herbs for healing. Women suffering with fibroids need to know there is an answer to their problem. I have a great herbal program that has helped women avoid […]

The Benefits of a Fertility Massage

Posted by | September 16, 2009 .

Fertility massage is a powerful natural fertility treatment that has been used for centuries all over the world. The great thing about fertility massage is it can be use in conjunction with traditional treatments; one case in point is the use of fertility massage with IVF. The use of fertility massage leading up to your […]

Social Networking and blogging about herbs

Posted by | June 23, 2009 .

With my healthy blog I am able to continue to spread the word on the wonderful world of herbs, God’s forgotten foods. Before blogging and social networking was big top herbalists in the Chicago area promoted the benefits of herbs through workshops, classes and on local radio and TV shows. The late Dr. Beverly Nicholson […]

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