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Journey to Joy Blog Tour with Life Coach Aurelia Williams is here!

Posted by | February 23, 2010 .

Why a Little ‘Me Time’ is Important for your Health and Well Being By Aurelia Williams As mothers, it is in our very nature to nurture and care for others. We play doctor, cook, chauffeur, teacher, lawyer, and the occasional referee as well, and yet most of us don’t take time off for ourselves. I […]

Try this special tonic with Noni for ultimate health results

Posted by | February 1, 2010 .

Mineral Chi tonic helps the adrenals, boost energy. ON SPECIAL THIS WEEK (32 oz) – $2 OFF = $24.15 (32 oz) – BUY 4 GET 1 FREE = $104.60 Mineral-Chi contains the following renowned Chinese tonic herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to boost and maintain balance in the body’s energy system: Gynostemma herb Lycii […]

De-stress with yoga plus an energy smoothie recipe

Posted by | January 28, 2010 .

It is almost tax time. Election time is coming up in different areas. Families are struggling to keep their heads above water during these tough economical times. Parents have so many responsibilities. How can we handle it all without becoming totally stressed out? We have to put ourselves first. Take time out and do something […]

Important Health Topics you want to know…

Posted by | October 20, 2009 .

Some hot topics that I have seen online through twitter, facebook and my emails are serious and I just had to share with all my readers. Young woman disabled from routine flu shot! It is a warning she wants everyone to hear: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical “HMF” When Heated I was happy […]

Great shakeology recipes

Posted by | April 3, 2009 .

As people are receiving their shakeology shake shipements lots of feedback is hitting the internet. If you haven’t read about this great meal replacement drink that Beachbody released recently then go to and hear all the testimonies. I am so excited to place my order. This will be a great addition to my fitness […]

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