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Hot Topics and Testimonies

Posted by | August 29, 2009 .

I have been very busy lately, with job, working my own business, preparing my 3 young sons for back-to-school, supporting my daughter, a recent grad trying to adjust to the work force, attending meetings, teleconferences, donating time with my church and of course trying to fit some time in with the hubby. It can be […]

More helpful information for women with PCOS

Posted by | March 24, 2009 .

Articles from Dr. Mercola’s site: Diet: My squidoo lens: Watch the good videos on those squidoo pages. Contact your herbalist, Marguerite for a personalized program. – 708-575-3968

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)– 1 in 10 women of childbearing age have this

Posted by | March 24, 2009 .

The topic for Mom’s Healthy Radio Show on March 19th was Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); condition 1 in 10 women of childbearing age are diagnosed with. Doctors are seeing more and more teens with this condition. Some of the symptoms include: –    Irregular menstrual cycles –    Insulin resistance –    High level male hormones –    Weight […]

Announcements, aphrodisiacs and more hot topics

Posted by | February 6, 2009 .

This week’s announcements at Mother Knows Best: Nature Sunshine Products upcoming Natural Health Seminars – Mark your calendars: Upcoming Locations: 2/14     Honolulu, HI 2/21     Chambersburg, PA 2/21     Oak Lawn, IL 2/21     Salt Lake City, UT 2/21     Tampa, FL 2/21     Wasilla, AK 2/28     Phoenix, AZ 2/28     San Jose, […]

My next blogtalk is going to be HOT!

Posted by | February 5, 2009 .

My blogtalk radio show this week is a topic everyone enjoys, we are going talk about SEX baby. It is February, the month of love and I have a special guest, MUTWASZE joining me who is a HEALER and HEALTHOLOGIST. Staying healthy spices up your love life. We will share some amazing tips this week […]

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