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Do you have adrenal fatigue?

Posted by | November 30, 2009 .

The adrenals are one of the endocrine glands. They sit on top of the kidneys and produce a wide variety of hormones that regulate energy, fluid balance and other important body processes. They also help the body copy with or adapt to stress. Long-tem excessive use of sugar and caffeine and loss of sleep can […]

Chiropractic care is important – a pleasant experience

Posted by | October 1, 2009 .

For my birthday I treated myself to a back exam at Health on Earth Chiropractic office, with and I am glad I did. I have been to a chiropractor in the past I know the benefits of getting adjustments. Dr. Vaught’s office has a very friendly environment. I knew it would be that way even […]

Natural alternatives for Insomnia

Posted by | September 24, 2009 .

People are seeking their herbalist for that special remedy to help them get a good night’s sleep, but to rid insomnia may not be as simple as taking an herbal supplement. With natural healing the goal is to get to the root cause of the issue and deal with that rather than covering up the […]

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