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Oprah’s wake up call on Diabetes + my podcast interview with Dr. Daisy

Posted by | February 4, 2010 .

OprahOprah’s show on Thursday, February 4th was very moving. I was thankful to see the information shared on diabetes and how we can make changes in our lives to prevent diabetes when we know diabetes runs in our family. I personally have dear relatives with diabetes and lost my wonderful uncle Harold to complications from diabetes. He also had to have his leg amputated before he died. He is very much missed and when I see shows like Oprah where she brings out the “top dogs” like Dr. Oz, Dr. Ian Smith and her own chef Art Smith and fitness guy Bob Greene to WAKE UP AMERICA on our bad eating habits, lack of exercise and overall dangerous habits I am excited and motivated.

Dr. Ian Smith sat down with members of a congregation from a church in Ohio that had several members with diabetes. He pointed out that African-Americans are twice as likely to die from diabetes. The fitness expert Bob Greene did a diabetes boot camp with the church ladies showing how much hidden white sugars people eat regularly with a diet that includes sodas, ranch dressing and donuts. Things like sodas can increase the risk of diabetes by 83% Dr. Oz stated. Dr. Oz says cut out the white stuff, like white flour, white sugar and white salt.

Fitness expert Bob Greene says things like strength training 3 times a week will help battle diabetes. He has a website called with great tips.

Dr. Ian Smith of the 50 million pounds weight loss challenge says 6 million Americans don’t even know they have diabetes but he stated with passion that people shouldn’t wait til it is a crisis situation to do something about your health. Change over to better eating habits, exercise and weight loss now! Graduate of Harvard College, Dr. Ian admits he comes from a traditional background of eating the high fat, fried foods diet like most African-Americans and changed over. Dr. Smith is also the author of six books, the #1 New York Times Bestseller Extreme Fat Smash Diet, the #1 New York Times Bestseller The Fat Smash Diet, the New York Times Bestseller The 4 Day Diet, the critically acclaimed The Blackbird Papers (2005 BCALA fiction Honor Book Award winner), Dr. Ian Smith’s Guide to Medical Websites, and The Take-Control Diet.

Oprah’s chef came out looking so great after changing over to a healthier diet and had lost over 50 pounds. He was diagnosed with diabetes and said both his parents had diabetes so he was considered and made some changes in his life.

Dr. Oz reminded everyone the importance of loosing the belly fat. Measure your waistline and make sure you are not over the unhealthy measurements.

Join my fan page on facebook to get more tips on healthy recipes and to continue to stay abreast to health in the news headlines.

You can learn a little more about your herbalist Marguerite Wright by listening to an interview I did recently with Dr. Daisy on her Healthy Tips podcast.

Check out the interview HERE

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