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Let’s start the celebration – check my Youtube & win prizes!!!

Posted by | May 2, 2016 .


It’s time to celebrate and have fun. I’ve got my YouTube back and it’s LIVE!!! I am uploading new videos and more to come. If you can think of a topic you want me to cover please post on this blog, email me at: or comment on one of my YouTube videos. Some of the videos I’ve posted so far cover:

  • Herbs for mood swings with St. John Wort
  • Herbs for beauty and Anti-aging
  • Virtual tour of my spa
  • Updates on my ZYTO Compass Scan
  • Healing with Herbs naturally

I will be celebrating all week and you can win prizes from I am giving away 1. plug-in difuser and an essential oil, plus, I have two sons who are amazing artists. I will post pieces of their artwork that I will also give: 2. a color print from both sons. Those are 3 prizes I have lined up. To win one of the prizes this week you can be entered in the drawing by.

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube
  2. Leave a comment on one of my YouTube videos. Let me know other topics you want to see or any comment you want to share.
  3. Follow me on
  4. Like me on

Do all 4 steps and you will be entered in the drawing to win the prizes mentioned above!!!


Have a FANTASTIC Week!!! I will be blogging daily to celebrate the RELAUCH of my YouTube!!!


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