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Guest blogger: 5 Tips for Finding Success in Life from a Recovering Addict

Posted by | May 3, 2016 .


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This week with my celebration of the relaunch of my YouTube channel I have a guest blogger today. He is sharing is story of battling addiction. This goes with one of the popular topics many people contact me about when they are seeking ways to deal with anxiety, depression, sadness, grief and so on. Read this one man’s motivational story – Per Wickstrom

As a recovering addict, I’ve learned the hard way that there is no fool-proof recipe for achieving great things in life. However, I’ve met a lot of successful people throughout both my career and my recovery process, and I’ve realized that there are a few qualities they all share. Whether you’re struggling professionally or personally, here are five things to keep in mind to find true success:

Play to your strengths. After I found sobriety, I re-entered a world where technology was king and I was years behind. But instead of frantically trying to catch up, I decided to focus on my strong abilities as a salesman. There’s something to be said for acquiring new skills and constantly learning, but when it comes to the big picture, stick to what you know and are good at. Not only will this make the overall process a little easier, it will give you the confidence you need to tackle issues as they come.

Keep a journal. A journal is helpful in setting goals, creating a plan, and tracking your progress. It’s also a great way to reflect on your journey and learn from your mistakes. Record what you tried today, how you tried it, what worked and what didn’t. Don’t forget to note the ever-important why: Why did you take a certain approach in the first place? Why did or didn’t it work? Analyzing the why might help you see that the idea itself is great, but the execution is what needs tweaking.

No matter what, stay positive. I tried to get sober for years, and after a while I started to wonder if I really could. Finally, I simply told myself flat-out, in no uncertain terms, that yes I could and yes I would conquer my addictions — and I did! Keeping a positive outlook can make all the difference, especially in the tough times. Mistakes are how we learn, so embrace them as you make them. No one ever achieved greatness without hitting a few speed bumps, so take yours as part of the process and power through them.

Make time for relationship-building. Don’t just meet people: learn their full names, find out what they do for a living, discuss their hobbies. Offer help without seeking anything in return.  Making real connections with others is great for your personal well-being, and can often lead to even more valuable relationships. Plus, networking is a fantastic tool in just about every aspect of your life. The barista you strike up a conversation with could offer you fantastic advice on something seemingly trivial like the best sushi spots in town — but that could come in handy for an important client lunch or your next date night with your spouse. Everyone has something to offer, but kindness and sincerity come first.

Go the extra mile. Don’t just meet your deadlines, turn in assignments early. If a client asks for a pitch, have a few back-ups ready in case he doesn’t like your first idea. If your partner has had a long day at work, have their favorite meal waiting on the table when they arrive home. Putting in a little extra effort will make you stand out from the crowd and show others you’re truly determined and committed.

Life success looks different to everyone, but the paths to finding it is often paved with the same qualities. Playing to your strengths, tracking your goals in a journal, maintaining a positive attitude, and putting the extra effort into everything you do are vital components to a successful life. And never forget my personal mantra: it’s never too late to turn your life around.

per-wickstromPer Wickstrom is the CEO of Best Drug Rehabilitation, one of the largest holistic rehabilitation centers in the United States. After a decades-long battle with drug addiction, he decided to devote his life to helping others find the same life-affirming success. Catch up with Per via his website,, or connect with him on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.


Watch my YouTube in dealing with Mood Swings…


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